Sunday, February 1, 2015

Peaches and Cream French Toast Bake


I love spoiling the people I love and nothing says LOVE better than breakfast (excluding diamonds of course:)!  This is an easy dish with ingredients that you probably already have on hand.  It just takes a few minutes of effort to let those you love know how special they are to you...just get cookin'!  This is super easy with just a dash of different!
You'll Need:
loaf French bread, sliced about an inch thick
2 cups whole milk
1/4 cup sugar    
1 teaspoon vanilla extract    
cans sliced peaches packed in juice, drained well  
1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 
a pinch of nutmeg   
1/2 cup heavy cream
Butter a 9-by-13-inch baking dish. (All great recipes start with butter!) Arrange bread in a tight, flat layer in dish.

In a large bowl, whisk eggs with milk, sugar and vanilla until blended; pour over bread. Arrange peaches on top and sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight.

Remove baking dish from refrigerator and let it sit on the counter for half an hour. Preheat oven to 350°F.

Pour cream into a small sauce pan and bring to a boil over high heat. Cook until reduced by half, (about 10 minutes). Drizzle over peaches - bread mix and bake, uncovered, until casserole is lightly browned on top around 45 to 50 minutes.

Let stand for 10 minutes before serving. 

Syrup is not required as this is already super sweet but who am I to tell you not to add your favorite syrup, powdered sugar or even whipped cream to add more decadence to this dish! Be just as sweet as you want to be!  Love begins one fork full at a time!  If you are serving breakfast for two, just cut this recipe in half, it bakes well in an 8x8 dish for a smaller serving. 

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